Feta Burgers With Tomato Cream Sauce

Feta Burgers with tomato cream sauce

2 lbs ground beef

6 oz feta cheese

1 egg

2 Tbs Basil

2 tsp minced garlic

2 TBS beef broth

1 cup heavy cream

1 tsp Italian seasoning

2 TBS tomato paste

In a mixing bowl, mix ground beef, feta cheese, egg, basil, minced garlic, and create your patties

Cook your hamburger and put to the side.  I use a large skillet that I’ll use for the sauce.

Add 2 tablespoons of beef broth to the skillet.  Then add heavy cream, tomato paste, & Italian seasoning.

Add salt and pepper to taste and simmer until sauce thickens. I had your hamburgers back to sauce and served warm.

Riced zucchini:

Zucchini- have your cheese grater handy

Butter / minced garlic

Heavy cream

Italian seasoning

Garlic powder

Parmesan / mozzarella

Take your zucchini with one end cut & “rice” with

your cheese grater.

Heat butter & minced garlic until fragrant.  Add riced zucchini, Italian seasoning/garlic powder/salt/pepper to taste.

Once soften (1/2 to what you’d like) drain all water and add heavy cream - small amount at a time allowing a simmer.  Don’t over do it on cream.  If you’d like add more seasonings to taste. Once thickening up slightly add Parmesan cheese.


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